
Sets a specified callback function for a script object.


 function ibesScriptSetCallback(AScript : THandle; AFunctionID : integer; AFunc : pointer) : integer;

AScript is a valid handle to a scripter object created with the ibesScriptInit function.
AFunctionID is an identifier of a callback function, see IBEScriptIntf.pas and the demo application for a list of supported callback functions and their identifiers.
AFunc is a pointer to a callback function.

This function returns 0 (zero) if it succeeds, otherwise it returns a non-zero value.

All IBEScript.dll interface & callback functions provide ABlockName argument which contains the name of the block if execution of that block was initiated as below:


If block name is missing ABlockName parameter will contain an empty string.

<< ibesScriptSetConnection | IBEBlock | ibesScriptExecuteText >>