IBExpert Firebird Replication

What our customers have to say about our replication:
Database conversion from Firebird 2.1 to Firebird 3.0 and implementation of a database replication
"Our brief was to migrate a database of about 150 GB (which originally emerged from BDE (Paradox), migrated to InterBase 6 and later from Firebird 1.0 to 2.1) to Firebird 3 within a short period of time, and construct a replication over a VPN line.
""We contacted IBExpert GmbH, who made us an offer corresponding to our budget..
"Following a detailed analysis of our database by the IBExpert Team, it unfortunately transpired that the estimated costs could not be maintained.
"However, we quickly agreed to take over the necessary database reconstruction ourselves, so that we were back on budget. We received valuable and practical tips from the IBExpert team which facilitated the implementation.
"In order to improve our knowledge regarding Firebird 3 and replication, we visited their Bootcamp in 2017. A great event, due to Mr. Klemt’s competence and extensive knowledge all participants took a lot of information away with them from this event and no question remained unanswered.
"The database rebuild and replication implementation took place over a weekend. We could fully rely on Mr. Klemt, who was available late into the evening and who made a significant contribution to the success of the project. The replication was remotely set up by him and put into operation in the short frame available, so that on Monday the remodeled Firebird 3 database including replication was in production.
"In conclusion, I would like to say that anyone wishing to replicate Firebird or seeking solutions in the database environment is in the best hands with Mr. Klemt; he does not mince words, he is competent, his training and communication is certainly not boring. He has proved to be a fair partner for us."

Uwe Cramer, Intellekta GmbH

We implement Firebird technology-based replication for our clients. In our view, the majority of marketed all-in-one replication tools are of limited usefulness and tend to be a waste of time. Only in Firebird 4 is a basic replication integrated, but this still leaves many wishes unfulfilled.

The technology we use has already proven itself in real-world use at hundreds of locations and with databases of up to 500 GB.

Our technology can be used for all Firebird versions from 2.5 onwards and masters partial replication, the rules of which can be determined and adapted by the customer without having to define complicated INI files or GUIs. The implementation is based on Firebird stored procedures and trigger source codes, which allow our customers to extend and adapt them themselves at a later date.

It is important to us that our customers do not have to use software compiled only for this purpose!

We teach the complete process of replication that we implement in such a way that the customer acquires the ability to integrate it into his software, and to initialise and run the corresponding processes (synchronous replication in real time/synchronous replication in near real time/asynchronous replication/master-slave/master-multi-slave/multi-master) himself based on our technology according to his own specifications.

We distinguish whether our system is used, for example, only on one server as a backup, or only at locations in a corporate group, or whether the replication is to be passed on with the customer's own software to hundreds or thousands of end customer installations. Therefore, we always request a brief description of the customer structure and approximate current customer numbers where replication is to be deployed.

Our offer includes not only the replication technology implemented individually by ourselves on the basis of the customer's databases, but also a recommended on-site or remote workshop to impart the complete technology. We grant the right to unlimited distribution to end customers with your own software directly with the order confirmation, without any further complex licensing procedures.

For later extensions or adaptations to newer Firebird versions, we are available as required within the scope of our IBExpert and Firebird Hotline. Unlimited adaptations can also be carried out by the customer.

Enquiries for quotations to sales@ibexpert.de
Please provide us with a brief description of your application and, if possible, a metadata-only backup of your database.

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